New Book Tells Grantham’s Story of Resilience

12 March 2020

Rising from the Flood: Moving the Town of Grantham shares the incredible story of rebuilding a township after the devastating 2011 Queensland floods.

One of the book’s launch events took place last night in Brisbane, hosted by the Flood Community of Practice team.

Author Jamie Simmonds worked intensively with the late Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, the Lockyer Valley Regional Council and the community in the immediate aftermath of the flood. The book shares these experiences and the bold strategy to guide Grantham’s recovery.

Deicke Richards was commissioned by the Council, in conjunction with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, to co-lead the design of Grantham’s new master plan.

The master plan and the ‘Strengthening Grantham’ project offered devastated residents a chance to relocate their community to higher ground less than a year after the flood.

Following Australia’s horrific summer season of bushfires, Simmonds story of Grantham and its recovery has attracted intense media interest. The focus has been on moving swiftly with ‘managed retreat’ as a post-natural disaster strategy for renewal.

“Relocating Grantham was a human outcome, not a technical one,” says Simmonds.

Rising from the Flood is now available. The book and its cover feature illustrations by Director Cameron Davies, who played a key urban design role on the project. Learn more about our community consultation and urban design work with the ‘Strengthening Grantham’ project here