Eloise has more than 25 years’ experience in the design of public and affordable housing, collaborating with local and state governments as well as community organisations.
She has advocated for and advanced well-designed housing through her role as Independent Chair of the Brisbane Housing Company (BHC), Queensland’s largest not-for-profit housing developer.
Eloise’s expansive knowledge of housing and development models informs Deicke Richards’ work with not-for-profit, faith-based and for-profit providers of retirement living and aged care.
She is also a trusted partner of education clients across the government, Catholic and independent spheres, with a particular interest in collaborative master planning.
Eloise is involved with Sharing With Friends (SWF), a new foundation with an innovative plan to address older women’s housing needs and the risk of homelessness – providing advice regarding design, approaches and opportunities.
She has performed myriad roles for the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) Awards, most recently as Chair of the 2021 Queensland State Awards.
Academic qualifications
B Des St
B Arch