
Julia Comer, Architect

Julia is a registered architect with over 7 years of experience in practice, currently working within project teams across the practice at Deicke Richards on projects within the housing, education, community and master planning sectors. She has specific experience within the area of social and affordable housing, including several projects that have involved First Nations communities, organisations and people as the primary user group, integrating an important layer of cultural engagement within the design process.

Julia was closely involved in the delivery of Mari-Mari-Ba Affordable Housing, the redevelopment of the Joyce Wilding Hostel in Eight Mile Plains which serves as a refuge for vulnerable First Nations women and children, providing short-term housing, support services and a culturally safe community space. Upon graduation from her Master of Architecture at the University of Queensland in 2022, she was awarded the Australian Institute of Architects QIA Memorial Medallion, and the University of Queensland Peter Hale Cox Prize for highest academic achievement. She has also been selected for highly regarded development opportunities, including the New Colombo Plan Scholarship and the Architecture Foundation Australia’s Student Summer School.

Julia enjoys teaching and mentoring students within the industry, and since graduating has been involved in a number of mentoring and workshop events at schools, including Brisbane Grammar School and Queensland Academy for Creative Industries. Most recently she has undertaken a role as sessional tutor at the University of Queensland, teaching a second-year architecture course focussing on co-housing and social housing. She also appeared on a panel hosted by Queensland Emerging Architects and Graduates Network (EmAGN) presenting on social and affordable housing.


Registered Architect: QLD 6157
B Arch Des
M Arch

