Sasha is a registered architect with close to a decade of industry experience working across ageing, communities and education. She uses design to achieve social impact and prides herself on building relationships with clients, collaborators and communities. For Sasha, people always come first. Sasha has worked across a variety of project types and scales, and across all project phases from Masterplanning and Schematic Design to Contract Documentation and project delivery on site. Sasha is valued as a thoughtful and detail-oriented leader and enjoys working across diverse projects to make a positive impact on peoples’ lives.
Recently, Sasha has worked on a number of vertical Residential Aged Care projects and Integrated Retirement Communities, both at Deicke Richards and outside the practice. She’s also contributed to our work at All Hallows’ School and Sunshine Coast Grammar School and a number of community-shaping projects. Having worked for Deicke Richards for almost 7 years, Sasha has returned following 2 years at another practice, ready to contribute to the myriad of socially-impactful projects on the drawing board at DR.
Academic Qualifications
M Arch
B Des (Architectural Studies)