
Our architects value design that genuinely responds to user needs and aspirations.

DR’s architects specialise in education, aged care and seniors living, and in affordable and accessible housing. The practice also regularly provides design, review and technical advice to large scale urban projects.

Affordable and accessible housing
Our residential design draws on more than two decades of broad housing experience. We have comprehensive experience in affordable and social housing and provide typology advice and design guidelines for state and local authorities dealing with growth, density and sustainability.

The practice also has experience in housing projects which address areas of disability or particular social need. Recent examples include apartments for MS Queensland and concept designs for Wattle House – planned to provide transitional supported accommodation for returned ADF personnel.

Aged care and retirement
A key focus for the practice is designing for not for profit and commercial providers of retirement and aged care. Recently completed projects reflect evolving market responses to the demand for ‘care communities’ and opportunities to age well, in place.

In education, our experience includes projects for state, independent and Catholic schools and universities. Our design teams are engaged in the practicalities of delivering education infrastructure, and also actively engaged in the speculative exploration of how design can respond to changing teaching and learning cultures and expectations.

Urban development and the public realm
Larger scale and public realm projects often draw on both the architectural and urban design capabilities of the team. Examples include mixed-used developments, design review of commercial developments, and specialist public realm projects, such as commissions for Brisbane Airport Corporation and South Bank Corporation.

More examples of our architectural work are profiled in Projects.

DR’s directors are all architects and all actively involved in our clients’ projects. To discuss our architectural services, please contact us on (07) 3852 8700.