The New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment commissioned work to undertake an Enquiry by Design process (EbD) to inform the development of the Tweed Regional City Action Plan.
DR’s team led a series of enquiry by design (EbD) workshops to inform the Regional City Action Plan. DR was lead consultant, working with our subconsultant partners Liesl Codrington (facilitator/community needs) and Nader Ibrahim, 02LA (landscape architecture). We produced an easy access, graphically clear and comprehensive report of the workshops and outcomes.
A series of three workshops engaged with a broad range of stakeholders to identify and explore a shared vision for Tweed Regional City, and to develop innovative urban design and land use opportunities to enable growth, support high liveability and attract investment. The work is part of a larger project for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment ( DPIE), developing action plans for four key regional cities as part of the North Coast Regional Plan 2036.