
NT’s first mixed-tenure housing development

Through an innovative procurement process combining Federal, Territory and private sector investment, this $40m development is the first mixed-tenure housing project in the Northern Territory. Deicke Richards worked with the Territory-based construction and development company, Sitzler, to secure the project through a design competition.

Our team was commissioned to provide architectural and landscape design services from sketch design to contract documentation. Village@Parap is funded partly through the Commonwealth Government’s Nation Building Social Housing Initiative, and it provides private, public, and affordable housing. The site was formerly occupied by a socially challenging public housing project and the redevelopment has been positive for the broader community.

Village@Parap includes specifically designed public housing for seniors, as well as affordable housing and market-rate housing. The site’s three street frontages have been addressed through careful architectural variations appropriate to the character of each street. A cross block pedestrian link provides access to local shops through a semi-private central space. Large shade trees and understorey plantings surrounds the five residential buildings. The Deicke Richards team brought to the project experience and knowledge of higher density affordable housing projects and an understanding of good tropical design principles.




Darwin, NT
